The City of Riverside has a City Council - City Manager form of government. The City Council is comprised of seven elected members representing each of Riverside's seven Wards. Councilmembers serve a four year term and must reside in the Ward they represent. Each Ward has approximately 1/7th of Riverside's 317,000 population, or about 45,000 residents. The City's Charter, Chapter 406 states "All powers of the City shall be vested in the City Council except as otherwise provided in this Charter." The City Manager, City Attorney and City Clerk are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Council.

Except for matters pending before any committee, or commission or other advisory body of the City or the City Council, matters pertinent to and within jurisdiction of the City may be placed on the agenda by the Mayor, any Councilmember, the City Manager, City Attorney, or City Clerk.


Under the heading of "oral communications", which appears on all City Council agendas, citizens may address the City Council on any matter concerning the City's business.


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